"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been (state a time) since my last confession. My sins are.." Here confess your sins. Use the list above as a guide. Also add other sins committed not listed here. "For these and for all my other sins which I cannot now remember, I am heartily sorry, firmly purpose amendment, and humbly ask pardon of God; and of thee, my spiritual father, penance, counsel, and Absolution." Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You,
and I detest all my sins because I offend You, my God,
In my spare time I like to make rosaries, and chaplets and donate them to charity. I've just opened an Etsy store. You can too and sell on Etsy with 40 free listings (I also get 40 free listings). Use this link https://etsy.me/2VbYLRS