Sunday, 13 August 2017

# Saints

Saint Cassian of Imola

Martyrdom of Saint Cassian, ca. 1500. Innocenzo Francucci.
The 13th of August is the feast day of Saint Cassian of Imola. He is the patron saint of Imola, Mexico City, San Casciano in Val di Pesa, Las Galletas (Tenerife), schoolteachers, shorthand-writers, and parish clerks.

Saint Cassian of Imola is also known as Cassius was the Bishop of Brescia, near Milan Italy in the 4th Century. When the Roman Emperor persecuted Christians, Saint Cassian fled to Imola where he worked as a schoolmaster teaching children how to read and write. He taught them Christianity as well as a form of short hand that helped them to write as fast as they can speak. A city official found out he was a Christian and reported him to the government authorities. Saint Cassian was arrested and ordered to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods which he refused. As punishment, he was stripped, and tied to the stake where he was given to his pagan students to be tortured to death. The students numbered about 200 and used their iron styli, their writing instrument, to carve into his skin and stab him to death.

