Friday, 24 November 2017

# Saints

Saint Columbanus

Saint Columbanus, stained glass window, Bobbio Abbey crypt

The 24th of November is the feast day of Saint Columbanus, also known as Saint Columban. He is the patron saint of motorcyclists.
Saint Columbanus lived between 543 till 615 AD.He was born in West Leinster, Ireland. He was a noble, well-educated attractive man and was pursued by many women. With the advice of a pious religious woman, and for the sake of his soul, he fled from this temptations to become a monk, though it was against the wishes of his family. There he excelled in virtue. He was eventually called to become a preacher at the age of 40. He left his monastery with twelve monks hoping to spread the Gospel throughout Europe. Saint Columbanus would often withdraw from society and stay in a nearby cave, which attracted followers hoping to imitate his lifestyle. He wrote the Rule of Saint Columbanus which was approved by the Council of Macon in 627 AD. The monastic rule emphasised obedience, silence, poverty, humility, and chastity. The rule was eventually superseded by the Rule of Saint Benedict.

