Tuesday, 20 February 2018

# Saints

Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto

The 20th of February is the feast day of Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto. They are the patron saints of bodily ills, Portuguese children, captives, people ridiculed for their piety, prisoners, sick people and against sickness.

Saints Francisco de Jesus Marto (1908 – 1919), his sister Jacinta de Jesus Marto (1910 – 1920), and their cousin Lucia dos Santos (1907-2005) witnessed three apparitions in 1916 of an angel while tending their sheep in Fatima, Portugal, and another six apparitions of the Virgin Mary in 1917. They were given many messages and warnings for the world, among which that they had to do penance and pray for the conversion of poor sinners. Though they were very young, they offered up many sacrifices as Our Lady had requested and prayed their rosary daily, even giving their lunches to the poor and practiced many forms of penances such as not drinking water on hot days and wearing rope against their skins. They faced ridicule due to the apparitions and endured many sufferings. Our Lady told the two visionaries, Francisco and Jacinta that they would die young and that she would bring them to heaven. They both fell ill from influenza in 1918 and Francisco died first, with Jacinta the following year after two hospitalisations. They are both buried at Our Lady of Fatima Basilica which is in Portugal.

