Saturday, 17 February 2018

# Saints

Seven Holy Founders of the Order of Servites

The 17th of February is the feast day of the seven holy founders of the Order of Servites.

Saint Manettus, also known as Saint Benedict dell’Antella and 6 other men founded the Order of Servites on 15th of August 1233. They were cloth merchants in the city of Florence, Italy who joined the Confraternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They wanted to dedicate their lives under Our Lady’s title of the Mother of Sorrows. On the feast of the Assumption in 1233, Our Lady appeared to them asking them to live a life in seclusion and in prayer. They obeyed, and Mary appeared again in 1240 giving them a black habit and a scroll with “Servants of Mary” inscribed on it. She asked them to create a religious order under the Rule of Saint Augustine. The Servites’ charism is devotion to the Passion of Jesus and the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady. and was one of the five original mendicant religious orders. The order was formally approved in 1304 by Rome.

