Tuesday, 20 March 2018

# Saints

Saint Cuthbert

Cuthbert meets Ælfflæd of Whitby on Coquet Island, Bede’s Life of Cuthbert, 12th century

The 20th of March is the feast day of Saint Cuthbert (c. 634 – 20 March 687). He is the patron saint of Northumbria.

Saint Cuthbert was born in what is today’s Scotland to a lowly family. He worked as a shepherd near Melrose Abbey monastery. A fellow child playmate prophesied he will become a bishop. He had a vision of the soul of Saint Aidan, the Bishop of Lindisfarne being carried into heaven by angels, while he was out tending his sheep. This inspired him to become a monk. He became a soldier to defend his home region of Northumbria, and after some time, he sought entrance at the monastery. He became a monk in the Celtic Christian tradition and served as a prior. He withdrew from the community to become a hermit and after several years of quiet life, he was persuaded to become a Bishop of Lindisfarne. After one year, he became sick and died. Many miracles happen at his grave, so much so, that Saint Cuthbert was known as the “Wonder-worker of England.” His shrine was one of the most popular place for pilgrims in northern England in the Middle Ages.

