Tuesday, 1 May 2018

# Saints

Saint Joseph the Worker

Image: Joseph the Carpenter, by Georges de La Tour, 1640s.

The 1st of May is the Optional Memorial of Saint Joseph the Worker. He is the patron saint of the Catholic Church, unborn children, fathers, immigrants, workers, employment, explorer, pilgrims, traveller, carpenters, realtors, against doubt and hesitation, and of a happy death.

He was born in Bethlehem in Judea and later lived in Nazareth. He was the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the adoptive father of Jesus. According to Scripture and Tradition, Saint Joseph was known as a virtuous man and a carpenter. Being the husband and father of the Holy Family, he needed to guard, protect and provide for the needs of the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus. His other feast day is on March 19th. In 1955, Pope Piux XII instituted the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker to commemorate the dignity of work in the eyes of God, giving labourers a model and an intercessor and protector from heaven.

