Tuesday, 8 May 2018

# Saints

Saint Victor Maurus

Image: By Rielaborazione di Beatrice su foto originale di Giovanni Dall’Orto [Attribution], from Wikimedia Commons
The 8th of May is the feast day of Saint Victor Maurus (born 3rd century in Mauretania; died ca. 303 in Milan). He is also known as Victor the Moor and Victor of Milan. He is the patron saint of Varese, Italy; and Ceriano Laghetto, Italy.

He was born in Mauretania (North Africa) in a Christian family. He later became a soldier serving the Roman Emperor Maximian. Victor was a Christian since childhood but this was not widely known until he destroyed an altar to a pagan god. The Emperor was furious and imprisoned and starved him for six days. He then tempted him to recount his faith and offered him riches if he did, but Victor refused. The emperor also had him stretched on the rack and have molten lead poured over his body but Victor remained steadfast in his faith and declared that Roman gods were demons. Victor was beheaded on May 8th 303 AD. The Emperor refused his body to be buried and wanted the wild beasts to consume his body. However, after six days his body was discovered with two beasts protecting his body at his head and foot. The local bishops were given permission to bury the body and a church was erected over Victor’s grave where many miracles occurred.

