Wednesday, 20 June 2018

# Saints

Blesseds John Fenwick and John Gavan

Image: John Fenwick, by Martin Bouche, print, published 1683

The 20th of June is the feast day of Blesseds John Fenwick (1628–1679) and John Gavan (1640–1679). They were English Jesuits, executed at the time of the fabricated Popish Plot. They were beatified in 1929 by Pope Pius XI.

John Fenwick’s parents were protestant and disowned him when he converted to the Catholic faith. They were both accused of being involved in the Popish Plot, along with three other Jesuits. The Popish Plot was a fabricated conspiracy in England during the anti-Catholic hysteria. They were charged with plotting the assassination of King Charles II and condemned with High Treason and subversion of the Protestant religion. John Gavan acted as the spokesman for the group during their trial. Both of the priests were condemned to be hung, drawn and quartered. The King knew they were innocent but did not want to pardon them, and declared that they should be hung only in an act of clemency. They were martyred together on 20th of June 1679.

