Friday, 6 July 2018

# Saints

Saint Maria Goretti

The 6th of July is the feast day of #Saint Maria Goretti (October 16, 1890 – July 6, 1902). She is the patron saint of victims of rape, crime victims, teenage girls, modern youth, and the Children of Mary.

Saint Maria Goretti was born in Italy to a farming family. At the age of 9, her father died from malaria. Her mother and siblings worked in the fields and Maria managed the household and caring for her young siblings. A 19-year-old boy named Alessandro attempted to rape her while her family was in the fields. She fought back and told him that it was a sin and that he would go to Hell if he did this. He stabbed her fourteen times. The doctors tried to save her life even though she couldn’t go on anaesthetic. She lingered for two days after the attack. She verbally forgave Alessandro and offered her suffering to God. Alessendro went to jail unrepented. One day Maria appeared to him in a dream, encouraging him to repent. Alessendro woke converted and sought reconciliation with Maria’s mother after he left prison. Alessendro called Maria “his little saint.” praying to her daily. He attended her canonisation in 1950. Alessendro joined the Franciscans as a lay brother and died in 1970.

Image: Painting of Maria Goretti. 1929

