Wednesday, 29 August 2018

# Saints

Saint Sabina of Rome

The 29th of August is the feast day of Saint Sabina of Rome (d. c.126 AD).

The following is from Catholic Encyclopedia:

Widow of Valentinus and daughter of Herod Metallarius, suffered martyrdom about 126. According to the Acts of the martyrdom, which however have no historic value, she lived at Rome and was converted to Christianity by her female slave Serapia. Serapia was put to death for her faith and later, in the same year, Sabina suffered martyrdom. In 430 her relics were brought to the Aventine, where a basilica, which is very interesting in the history of art, is called after St. Sabina. Originally the church was dedicated to both saints. The feast of St. Sabina is celebrated on 29 August.

Klemens Löffler.

Image: The relics of St. Sabina

