Sunday, 16 September 2018

# Saints

Pope Saint Cornelius

The 16th of September is the feast day of Pope Saint Cornelius (d. 253 A.D.).

During the reign of Roman Emperor Decius, Pope Saint Fabian was martyred after which the Church was left without a Pope for 14 months. Saint Cornelius, a Roman citizen and priest, was elected to the position becoming the 21st Pope. During his brief 2 year reign as Pope, controversy arose about Catholics who apostatised from the faith due to persecution. Novatian, a priest who became an anti-pope, led the charge that those who had apostatise can only receive the sacraments if they were re-baptised. Pope Saint Cornelius, in a synod of bishops, confirmed his position as Pope, and had Novatian excommunicated and declared the doctrine of re-baptism as heretical. Pope Saint Cornelius confirmed that after true contrition and penance, apostates were able to be forgiven by the Church and were able to receive the sacraments. A new persecution against the Christians began, and Pope Saint Cornelius was sent to exile in Centumcellae, Italy, and was martyred in 253 A.D.

