Saturday, 22 September 2018

# Saints

Saint Ignatius of Santhià

The 22nd of September is the feast day of Saint Ignatius of Santhià (5 June 1686 – 22 September 1770). He was born as Lorenzo Maurizio Belvisotti, and is the patron saint of chaplains and Santhià.

Saint Ignatius of Santhia belonged to an Italian upper-class family. His education came from a priest, a relative of his mother who inspired him to become a priest. For six years he was a diocesan priest and had a good reputation as a preacher in retreats and missions. However, he decided to join the Capuchin Franciscans in Turin as a friar, which disappointed and surprised his parishioners. There, he became known for his wisdom and sanctity, and many people would come to him for confessions and gain spiritual direction. He was devoted to Our Lady and prayed the rosary. His last years were spent on his sick bed where he continued to hear confessions and give spiritual direction.

