Wednesday, 21 November 2018

# Saints

Blessed Maria Franciszka Siedliska

The 21st of November is the feast day of Blessed Maria Franciszka Siedliska (12 November 1842 – 21 November 1902). She is the patron saint of Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth and Polish missionaries.

Blessed Maria Franciszka Siedliska lived between 12 November 1842 – 21 November 1902. Her parents were wealthy and they lived in Warsaw, Poland. As she was being prepared for her First Holy Communion by a Capuchin friar, she began to desire the religious life and consecrated herself to God privately. However, her father was opposed to her joining the cloister but she was not deterred. She founded the Congregation of Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in 1875, an active apostolic Order modelled on the hidden virtues of the Holy Family. She took the name of Mary of Jesus the Good Shepherd and in 1885 the Nazareth Sisters went to New York and settled near Chicago where they made their first foundation in the USA. In 1989 she was beatified by Pope Saint John Paul II.

Image: Blessed Maria Franciszka Siedliska

