Sunday, 30 December 2018

# Saints

Saint Anysia of Salonika

The 30th of December is the feast day of Saint Anysia of Salonika (d. c. 298 A.D.), she is also known as Anysia of Thessalonica.

Saint Anysia died circa 298 A.D. Her parents were wealthy and pious Christians living near Thessalonica, Greece. Her parents died when she was still young, and Saint Anysia made private vows of chastity and poverty, dedicating her life completely to Christ. She also gave her wealth to the poor. The persecutions of Roman Emperor Maximian occurred during her lifetime, and he declared that if anyone meets a Christian, they should kill the Christian without a trial. She was on her way to church on a Sunday when a Roman soldier started to harass her. He attempted to make her sacrifice to a pagan sun god. Saint Anysia spat in his face declaring her commitment to Christ. The soldier became enraged and slew her with a sword.

