Friday, 21 December 2018

# Saints

Saint Peter Canisius

The 21st of December is the feast day of Saint Peter Canisius S. J. (8 May 1521 – 21 December 1597). He is the patron saint of the Catholic press, and Germany.

In 1565 Peter Canisius was chosen as a secret agent to get the decrees of the Council to all the European bishops. It was a dangerous assignment in the sixteenth century as the first envoy who tried to carry the decrees through the territory of hostile protestants and thieves were robbed of the documents. Saint Peter Canisius was a well known Jesuit and the Protestants respected him. Peter successfully traveled from Rome and Germany with the Tridentine tomes and three sacks of books he took for his own university. He was born in 1521 in Holland. Peter edited and wrote several volumes on Church history and theology was a delegate to the Council of Trent and reformed the Germany universities from heresy. Peter died in December 21, 1597 and was known as the Second Apostle of Germany and is a Doctor of the Church.

