Saturday, 19 January 2019

# Saints

Blessed Alvaro of Cordoba

The 19th of February is the feast day of Blessed Alvaro of Cordoba. He is also known as Alvarez of Cordova.

He lived between 1350 and 1430 and was born to a noble family in Zamora, Spain. He became a Dominican and preached throughout Spain, serving at the court of Queen Catherine. He made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and started to preach the crusades against the Muslims when he returned. The priory of Scala Caeli (Ladder of Heaven) at Cordova was founded by him, legend says that the angels helped in providing its building materials. He placed pictures of the holy places in Jerusalem in the gardens and help to make the Stations of the Cross popular. He begged for alms, though he could have obtained what he needed from the royal court. Another legend says that he found a dying beggar, whom he wrapped in a blanket and carried back to the convent. When he unwrapped the cloth, he found a crucifix only. He helped to spread devotion to the Way of the Cross in Western Europe and led a resistance against the anti-pope and help to bring Spain under the allegiance of the true Pope in Rome.

