Saturday, 5 January 2019

# Saints

Saint John Neumann

The 5th of January is the feast day of Saint John Nepomucene Neumann CSsR (March 28, 1811 – January 5, 1860).

Saint John Neumann lived between 1811 and 1860 and was born in Bohemia which is today, the Czech Republic. He came to the United States in 1836 seeking ordination. He had entered the seminary in Bohemia but the bishop fell ill and the ceremony could not go ahead. Bohemia at that time had many priests and the ordination was never rescheduled. He was eventually ordained in New York and he joined the Redemptorist and became a bishop. He is the first American man and American bishop to be canonised as a saint. He built many churches, schools, hospitals, and orphanages. He was known for having a strong devotion to the Holy Eucharist which he promoted.

