Monday, 11 February 2019

# Saints

Blessed Bartholomew of Olmedo

The 11th of February is the feast day of Blessed Bartholomew of Olmedo (1485-1524).

At the age of 31, he arrived in Mexico from Spain becoming its first priest. He worked as a chaplain for the Spanish Conquistador Fernando Cortes’ expedition, which was responsible for the colonisation of the Americas by Spain and the decline of the Aztec empire. Blessed Bartholomew was liked by the natives of Mexico and he taught them the Christian faith, encouraging them to end their human sacrifice rituals. He also tried to restrain Cortes from acts of violence against the natives and defended them against injustice. He taught them the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, under Her title of Our Lady of Mercy. Many natives were converted and he baptised more than 2500 people before he passed away at the age of 39. He is buried in Santiago de Tlateloco.

