Thursday, 28 March 2019

# Saints

Saint Conon of Naso

The 28th of March is the feast day of Saint Conon of Naso (3 June 1139 – 28 March 1236). He is the patron saint of Naso, Italy.

Saint Conon of Naso was the son of a Count in Naso, Italy and was a devout rich nobleman. He became a monk at the age of 15 and lived as a hermit. Later he was called to work in the local monastery as its abbot. When his parents died, he gave his inheritance to the poor. While he was on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, he had a vision of a priest he knew being choked by a snake. He then warned the priest of his vision, and the priest confessed he was hoarding money, neglecting the poor. Conan gave the direction to the priest to give his savings to the poor and recommit his life to serve others.When Conon died, he was known as a miracle worker. Once, the city of Naso had a series of storms which destroyed crops and stopped the shipping trade, and the city ran out of food. The famine became severe, however, Saint Conon appeared in a vision to a ship's captain who was transporting a load of grain. In the vision, Conon told the captain to bring the grain to Naso. The captain obeyed and went to Naso with the food, relieving the famine.

