Tuesday, 11 February 2020

# Feast # Mary

Our Lady of Lourdes

The 11th of February is the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes. She is the patron saint of Lourdes, France, Quezon City of Metro Manila, Tagaytay City of Cavite, Barangay Granada of Bacolod City, Daegu, South Korea, Tennessee, Diocese of Lancaster, bodily ills, sick people, and protection from diseases.

Our Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubiroux on 11th February 1858 in Massabielle, southern France. Bernadette reported seeing 18 apparitions of the Woman Whom she described to be as “lovelier than I have ever seen” that year. The Woman in the apparition called Herself the “Immaculate Conception,” confirming the dogma which was defined by the Pope in the four years previously. Our Lady asked Bernadette to drink from a fountain at the grotto and a chapel to be built on the spot. Bernadette scratched at the dirt where a stream of pure water came forth and drank from it. The water prove to have healing properties, drawing pilgrims to the grotto worldwide. A basillica was eventually built in Massabielle, and was consecrated as the “Church of the Rosary” in 1876.

