Sunday, 15 April 2018

# Saints

Saint Hunna

The 15th of April is the feast day of Saint Hunna (d. 679). She is also known as Una. She is the patron saint of laundresses, laundry workers, and washerwomen.

Saint Hunna was born in Alsace France and was a daughter of a Duke. She married a nobleman though both did not indulge themselves in luxuries. Instead, they opened their home to the poor. Saint Deodatus, the bishop, when he resigned from his See, lived with them and they grew in sanctity from his religious instruction. Hunna had a son, whom he named after Saint Deodatus. Her son joined the monastery and is also a saint. After her husband died, Saint Hunna continued spending her life serving the poor, especially the women in Strasbourg, France. She tended the sick and poor, doing their laundry and mending. She was known as the “Holy Washerwoman.” She gave away her wealth and property in order to build churches and monasteries. Many miracles were attributed to her, and she was canonised by Pope Leo X in 1520.

